EduColor Chats

Our Fullest Selves: How We Challenge Narratives of Inequity During This Pandemic [April 2020 Chat]

April 24, 2020

EduColor collaborated with NCTM to provide a special chat for NCTM’s 100 Days of Learning featuring hosts Marian Dingle, Melissa Brennan, Emilia Frias, Cathery Yeh, and Jose Vilson. We discussed inequity in the time of COVID-19 and how the pandemic exacerbated the already existing inequities in our systems.

Here were some of the questions we asked our participants:

  • How have you situated your response to the pandemic with regard to your understanding of equity? 
  • What have we learned about the importance of having data aggregated by identity markers like race, dis/ability, gender, sexual orientation, etc.?
  • How have intersectional oppression and privilege (e.g. race, language, ethnicity, dis/ability, class, gender) manifested themselves during this pandemic?
  • We see disproportionality play out continuously in the response to the pandemic, inequities that also existed in mathematics education and schooling.  What are some of the parallels you’ve noticed at your school and community?  
  • How has your perspective on social justice evolved over the last two months? Did this pandemic create an impetus for change in your personal/professional ideology?

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